Book is to read as cell phone is to what

use or talk on

The analogy "Book is to read as cell phone is to what" can be completed in several ways, depending on how you view the relationship between a book and reading. Here are a few possible answers:

1. "Use" or "communicate": Reading is the primary activity associated with a book, just as using or communicating is the primary activity associated with a cell phone.

2. "Call" or "talk": Reading a book involves absorbing information and stories through text, just as using a cell phone often involves making calls or having conversations.

3. "Apps" or "functions": Books have pages filled with text, while cell phones have screens filled with various applications or functions that provide different features and services.

4. "Charge" or "battery": Books don't require any external power to be enjoyed, while cell phones need to be charged regularly to keep functioning.

Ultimately, the choice of analogy completion depends on your perspective and understanding of the relationship between a book and reading, as well as a cell phone and its various functionalities.

To determine the relationship between "book" and "read," we need to understand that a book is commonly associated with the action of reading. So, in this analogy, we are looking for an associated action or verb that is commonly associated with a cell phone.

One common action related to cell phones is "communicate" or "call." People use cell phones to communicate with others through calls, texts, or messaging apps. Therefore, the answer to the analogy could be "communicate" or "call."

To find this answer, you need to identify the common action or verb associated with a cell phone, which is communication.