Simplify 37x + 27x using properties of operations.

37x + 27x = (37 + 27)x = 64x

Simplify 3/7x + 2/7x using properties of operations.

To simplify the expression, we can combine the like terms.

3/7x + 2/7x = (3/7 + 2/7) x

To combine the fractions, we add the numerators and keep the common denominator:

= (5/7) x

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5/7x.

Simplify 6/7c − 5/9d − 1/2c + 1/3d.

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms.

6/7c - 5/9d - 1/2c + 1/3d

To combine the terms with the same variables, we can find a common denominator and then add or subtract the numerators.

For the terms with "c":
The common denominator is 7 * 2 = 14.
6/7c - 1/2c
= (12/14c) - (7/14c)
= (12 - 7) / 14c
= 5/14c

For the terms with "d":
The common denominator is 9 * 3 = 27.
-5/9d + 1/3d
= (-5/9d * 3/3) + (1/3d * 9/9)
= (-15/27d) + (9/27d)
= (-15 + 9) / 27d
= -6/27d
= -2/9d

So, the simplified expression is:
5/14c - 2/9d

To simplify the expression 37x + 27x, we can combine like terms using the distributive property.

Step 1: Combine the coefficients of the like terms.
The coefficients of the like terms, 37x and 27x, are 37 and 27, respectively. To combine them, add the coefficients together: 37 + 27 = 64.

Step 2: Keep the common variable.
Since the variable in both terms is x, we keep the variable as x.

Step 3: Write the simplified expression.
Now, we can substitute the combined coefficient (64) back in for the original expression and rewrite it as the simplified expression: 64x.

Therefore, the simplified expression of 37x + 27x is 64x.

To simplify the expression 37x + 27x, you can combine the like terms.

37x represents 37 multiplied by x, and 27x represents 27 multiplied by x.

To combine these terms, you can add the coefficients (37 and 27) and keep the same variable (x).

37x + 27x = (37 + 27) x = 64x

Therefore, the simplified form of 37x + 27x is 64x.