Which modern East Asian countries have autocratic governments? Select the two correct answers.

The two correct answers are:

1. North Korea
2. China

As of now, there are no modern East Asian countries that have autocratic governments. However, it is important to note that the political systems and governance can vary over time, so it is always necessary to stay updated on the latest developments.

To determine which modern East Asian countries have autocratic governments, we need to gather information about the political systems of these countries. Here are the steps to find the answer:

1. Research East Asian countries: Begin by compiling a list of modern East Asian countries. These typically include China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and the Philippines.

2. Evaluate political systems: Assess the political systems of each country on the list. Determine if they have characteristics of an autocratic government, such as concentration of power in one individual or ruling party, limited political freedoms or human rights, lack of free and fair elections, and absence of independent checks and balances.

3. Analyze the information: Based on your research, identify the countries that exhibit signs of an autocratic government.

4. Select correct answers: From the list of East Asian countries, choose the two that have autocratic governments according to your evaluation.

Please note that the political situation in different countries can be complex and subject to change. It is essential to consult up-to-date and reliable sources for the most accurate information on their political systems.