How does the Constitution reflect the principle of popular sovereignty?

(1 point)

by limiting the amount of power of the government
by limiting the amount of power of the government

by placing protections on the civil rights of the nation's citizens
by placing protections on the civil rights of the nation's citizens

by implementing safeguards against the abuse of power
by implementing safeguards against the abuse of power

by allowing the people to choose their representatives

by allowing the people to choose their representatives

How did George Mason influence the creation of the Bill of Rights?

(1 point)

He refused to sign the United States Constitution.
He refused to sign the United States Constitution.

He encouraged others to oppose the ratification of the Constitution.
He encouraged others to oppose the ratification of the Constitution.

He assembled an antifederalist convention in Virginia to discuss the matter.
He assembled an antifederalist convention in Virginia to discuss the matter.

He wrote a pamphlet titled “Objections to This Constitution of Government.”

He wrote a pamphlet titled “Objections to This Constitution of Government.”

The Constitution reflects the principle of popular sovereignty by allowing the people to choose their representatives.

The Constitution reflects the principle of popular sovereignty by allowing the people to choose their representatives. This concept is rooted in the idea that the power of the government should ultimately lie with the people.

To understand how the Constitution achieves this, we can look at the process of electing representatives. The Constitution establishes a system of representative democracy, where individuals are elected by the people to make decisions on their behalf. This is evident in the provisions for electing members of Congress, the President, and state and local officials.

The Constitution also outlines the rights and freedoms of citizens, which further reflects the principle of popular sovereignty. These protections, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, ensure that citizens have the ability to express their opinions and have a say in the functioning of the government.

Furthermore, the Constitution includes checks and balances, as well as separation of powers, to prevent any one branch of government from gaining too much power. This is another way in which the Constitution reflects the principle of popular sovereignty, as it safeguards against the abuse of power by ensuring that no single entity can dominate the decision-making process.

Overall, the principle of popular sovereignty is reflected in the Constitution through provisions that allow the people to choose their representatives, protect their rights, and prevent the concentration of power.