Which sentence is punctuated correctly?(1 point)


Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past, however what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?
Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past, however what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?

Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past; however, what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?
Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past; however, what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?

Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past however what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?
Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past however what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?

Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past however; what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?

Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past; however, what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?

The sentence punctuated correctly is:

Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past; however, what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?

The correctly punctuated sentence is:

Scientists know that Earth has been impacted by large asteroids in the past; however, what happens if a major asteroid hits Earth now?

To identify the correct punctuation, we need to understand the rules for punctuating coordinating conjunctions and transitions. In this case, the conjunction "however" is used to join two independent clauses, so a semicolon is needed before "however" and a comma is needed after "however" to separate the clauses. Correctly punctuating the sentence helps clarify the relationship between the two clauses and improves readability.