What is one way writers narrow the focus of their writing?(1 point)


by including research from multiple sources
by including research from multiple sources

by choosing an effective text structure
by choosing an effective text structure

by eliminating unnecessary subtopics
by eliminating unnecessary subtopics

by using graphic organizers

by eliminating unnecessary subtopics

by eliminating unnecessary subtopics

The correct answer is: by eliminating unnecessary subtopics.

To narrow the focus of their writing, writers often eliminate unnecessary subtopics. This means they cut out any ideas or details that are not directly relevant to the main point or thesis of their piece. By doing this, writers are able to focus their writing on a specific topic or argument, making it more concise and clear for the reader.

To achieve this, writers can start by brainstorming all the possible subtopics and ideas related to their main theme. Then, they can carefully evaluate each subtopic and determine whether it directly supports or relates to their main argument. If a subtopic does not contribute to the main point, it can be eliminated or saved for another piece of writing.

By eliminating unnecessary subtopics, writers can ensure that their writing is focused, organized, and effectively communicates their intended message to the reader.