Simplify this expression using the Quotient Rule of Integer Exponents: t400t100. Quotient Rule of Exponents Quick Check

Question 1)
t^300 (the ^ symbol means that the number after it is small)

Question 2)
a^67/b^34 (the slash means that it's a fraction)

Question 3)

Question 4)
12^53 ÷ 7^53

Question 5)
Check if the bases are the same; if they are, subtract the exponents of the numerator and denominator (leave as-is otherwise); and write the resulting expression in exponential form.

That's all the questions btw pls upvote this i would appreciate it a lot. I posted these answers cuz the bot doesn't do a good job at providing you with the real ones. ALSO NOTE THAT THESE ANSWERS ARE FROM SEPT 2023 SO THEY MIGHT BE OUTDATED

shut up bot


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To simplify the expression t400t100 using the Quotient Rule of Integer Exponents, we need to apply the rule which states that when dividing two terms with the same base, we subtract the exponents.

The expression can be rewritten as t(400-100), which simplifies to t^300.

Thus, the simplified expression using the Quotient Rule of Integer Exponents is t^300.

To simplify the expression using the Quotient Rule of Integer Exponents, you need to have the same base in the numerator and denominator. However, in the provided expression "t400t100," the bases are not clearly defined, so I cannot proceed with solving it. If you provide the correct expression, I'll be happy to guide you through applying the Quotient Rule of Integer Exponents.

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