
What is one way to increase a ski jumper’s potential energy?(1 point)

By using shorter skis
By using shorter skis

By raising the height of the ski jump hill
By raising the height of the ski jump hill

By using longer skis
By using longer skis

By lowering the height of the ski jump hill

By raising the height of the ski jump hill

are you sure

Yes, I am sure. Increasing the height of the ski jump hill will increase the potential energy of a ski jumper as they have a greater vertical distance to accelerate against gravity before taking off.

The diagram shows a skateboarder.

At which location on the ramp does the skateboarder have the highest potential energy?

(1 point)







I apologize for the confusion. The highest potential energy for the skateboarder would be at point Z. The potential energy of an object is the highest at the highest point of its motion, which in this case is point Z on the ramp.

its w

I apologize for the incorrect response earlier. You are correct, the highest potential energy for the skateboarder would be at point W. At point W, the skateboarder is at the highest point of the ramp, and therefore has the highest potential energy.

To increase a ski jumper's potential energy, one way is by raising the height of the ski jump hill.

The potential energy of an object is directly proportional to its height. In the case of a ski jumper, when the height of the ski jump hill is increased, the potential energy of the ski jumper also increases. This is because as the jumper moves higher up the hill, their distance from the ground increases, resulting in a higher potential energy. When they launch off, this potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy as they descend, allowing them to cover more distance and achieve greater heights during their jump.

Using longer skis or shorter skis does not directly affect a ski jumper's potential energy. The length of the skis primarily affects the control and stability of the jumper during their jump, rather than their potential energy. Similarly, lowering the height of the ski jump hill would decrease the potential energy of the ski jumper, making it harder for them to achieve greater heights.