Connect the model 48+(−16)+(−16)+(−16)=0 to the algorithm for solving the division problem it models.(1 point)


The model represents 48÷16, which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 and changing the sign to get −3.
The model represents 48 divided by 16 , which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 and changing the sign to get negative 3 .

The model represents 48÷16, which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 to get 3.
The model represents 48 divided by 16 , which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 to get 3.

The model represents 48÷(−16), which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 to get 3.
The model represents 48 divided by left parenthesis negative 16 right parenthesis , which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 to get 3.

The model represents 48÷(−16), which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 and changing the sign to get −3.

The model represents 48 divided by left parenthesis negative 16 right parenthesis , which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 and changing the sign to get negative 3.

The model 48+(−16)+(−16)+(−16)=0 represents the division problem 48 divided by (-16). The algorithm for solving this division problem is to divide 48 by 16, which gives us 3. However, since the divisor is negative, we need to change the sign of the quotient to get -3. Therefore, the correct response is:

The model represents 48÷(−16), which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 and changing the sign to get −3.

To connect the model 48+(-16)+(-16)+(-16)=0 to the algorithm for solving the division problem it models (48÷16), you need to follow these steps:

1. Start with the expression 48+(-16)+(-16)+(-16)=0.

2. Observe that the equation represents multiple repeated subtractions of 16 from 48 until the result is 0. Each subtraction is represented by the term (-16).

3. Now, to convert this into a division problem, divide the starting number (48) by the number being subtracted (-16).

4. Since (-16) is being subtracted repeatedly, dividing 48 by (-16) is the same as dividing 48 by 16 but changing the sign of the quotient.

5. Calculate the division of 48 by 16, which gives the quotient 3. Since the sign changes when dividing by a negative number, the sign of the quotient is -3.

Therefore, the correct response is: "The model represents 48÷(-16), which is solved by dividing 48 by 16 and changing the sign to get -3."