12 to base six

12 in base six is equal to 20.

To convert the number 12 to base six, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by finding the highest power of six that is less than or equal to 12. In this case, 6^2 (6 raised to the power of 2) equals 36, which is greater than 12.

Step 2: Determine the coefficient of the highest power of six that fits in 12. Since 6^1 (6 raised to the power of 1) is less than 12, the coefficient is 1.

Step 3: Subtract the product of the coefficient and the highest power of six from the original number. Subtracting 6^1 (6) from 12 gives us 6.

Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 with the new result, which is 6.

Step 1: The highest power of six less than or equal to 6 is 6^1 (6 raised to the power of 1), and its coefficient is 1.

Step 3: Subtracting the product of the coefficient and the highest power of six from 6 gives us 0.

Therefore, 12 in base six is represented as 10.