How are plants affected by an increase in thermal energy on Earth?

a. plants produce more pollen
b. plants grow less
c. the plants release more heat
d. there are fewer plants growing

b. plants grow less

Plants are affected by an increase in thermal energy on Earth in the following ways:

1. Plants may experience increased growth: Higher temperatures can stimulate plant growth rates, particularly in regions where temperature was previously a limiting factor. However, this response can vary among different plant species and ecosystems.

2. Reduced plant productivity: Excessive heat can also negatively impact plant health and productivity. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat stress, causing damage to plant tissues and affecting photosynthesis. This can result in reduced growth and decreased crop yields.

3. Increased water demand: Higher temperatures accelerate water evaporation from plant leaves, increasing the plant's water requirements. This can lead to water stress if the plants do not receive sufficient water, potentially resulting in wilting and reduced overall fitness.

4. Altered phenology: Warmer temperatures can affect the timing of plant life cycle events, such as flowering and leaf bud burst. This can disrupt the synchronization of plant-pollinator interactions and other ecological relationships.

5. Increased vulnerability to pests and diseases: Rising temperatures can create more favorable conditions for pests and diseases to thrive, making plants more susceptible to infestations and infections. This can negatively impact plant health and reduce crop yields.

Therefore, based on these factors, the most likely answer is:
b. plants grow less.