2.1.10 - Quick Check: Understanding Mental and Emotional Health

Health And Physical Education 8 Q1 / 2. Mental and Emotional Health / 2.1. Understanding Mental and Emotional Health

True or False:

An individual’s self-esteem stays the same throughout their life.
(1 point)



True or False:

Self-actualization means that you focus on yourself all the time.
(1 point)



Which of the following is a skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem?
(1 point)

Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses

Always think you should succeed at everything you try

Be concerned about what others think of you

Hide your insecurities from others

Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses

what is the answer to all 3 questions

The answers are:

1. False - An individual's self-esteem can change throughout their life.
2. False - Self-actualization means focusing on personal growth and reaching one's potential, not just focusing on oneself all the time.
3. Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses - This is a skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem.



Which of the following is a skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem?

(1 point)

a) Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses
b) Always think you should succeed at everything you try
c) Be concerned about what others think of you
d) Hide your insecurities from others

To answer the first question, "An individual’s self-esteem stays the same throughout their life," you need to determine if this statement is true or false. In order to understand self-esteem, you can break down the term and analyze it.

"Self-esteem" refers to how a person feels about themselves and their self-worth. It can be influenced by various factors such as personal achievements, relationships, and experiences.

To determine if an individual’s self-esteem stays the same throughout their life, you can consider the following:

1. Developmental stages: Self-esteem can change as individuals go through different stages of life. For instance, children may have different levels of self-esteem compared to teenagers or adults.

2. Life experiences: Positive or negative experiences can have an impact on self-esteem. For example, achieving goals or receiving positive feedback can boost self-esteem, while facing failures or criticisms can lower it.

3. Self-awareness and personal growth: Engaging in self-reflection and personal development can help individuals improve their self-esteem over time.

Based on these considerations, you can conclude that the statement "An individual's self-esteem stays the same throughout their life" is false because self-esteem can change over time.

To answer the second question, "Self-actualization means that you focus on yourself all the time," you need to determine if this statement is true or false. To understand self-actualization, you can break down the term and analyze it.

"Self-actualization" refers to fulfilling one's potential and achieving personal growth. It involves striving for personal goals, seeking meaning and purpose, and fulfilling one's unique capabilities.

To determine if self-actualization means focusing on yourself all the time, you can consider the following:

1. Balancing self and others: Self-actualization involves finding a balance between personal needs and concerns for others. It includes empathy, compassion, and maintaining healthy relationships.

2. Pursuit of meaning: Self-actualization is often associated with finding purpose and meaning in life, which may extend beyond self-focused interests.

Based on these considerations, you can conclude that the statement "Self-actualization means that you focus on yourself all the time" is false because self-actualization involves more than just focusing on oneself.

To answer the third question, "Which of the following is a skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem?" you need to identify the skill among the options provided. The options are:

1. Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses
2. Always think you should succeed at everything you try
3. Be concerned about what others think of you
4. Hide your insecurities from others

To determine the correct answer, you need to evaluate each option in relation to improving self-esteem.

- Option 1, "Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses," is a skill that can help improve self-esteem. Acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses promotes self-acceptance and a realistic self-perception.

- Option 2, "Always think you should succeed at everything you try," is not an effective skill for improving self-esteem. Unrealistic expectations of always succeeding can lead to disappointment and lowered self-esteem when faced with failures.

- Option 3, "Be concerned about what others think of you," is not a skill that improves self-esteem. Seeking constant validation from others can negatively impact self-esteem and lead to a reliance on external approval.

- Option 4, "Hide your insecurities from others," is not a skill that improves self-esteem. Supressing insecurities can prevent personal growth and authentic self-expression.

Based on these evaluations, the correct answer is option 1, "Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses," as it is a skill that can promote self-acceptance and improve self-esteem.