Why did the Aztecs engage in human sacrifice?

(1 point)

to punish people who broke the law
to punish people who broke the law

to keep their chief god strong
to keep their chief god strong

to determine who would be the next emperor
to determine who would be the next emperor

to punish their enemies who also engaged in human sacrifice

to keep their chief god strong

What was the mita system?

(1 point)

a practice of paying taxes through labor
a practice of paying taxes through labor

a method of record keeping
a method of record keeping

a network of royal messengers
a network of royal messengers

a rigid social hierarchy

a practice of paying taxes through labor

What archaeological evidence taught scholars about the culture of the Mississippians?

(1 point)

housing complexes built into the side of cliffs
housing complexes built into the side of cliffs

kayaks designed to hunt animals over long distances
kayaks designed to hunt animals over long distances

large earthen mounds built for religious purposes
large earthen mounds built for religious purposes

totem poles decorated with animal symbols

large earthen mounds built for religious purposes

Which of the following statements best describes Mayan cities?

(1 point)

They were built on islands in lakes.
They were built on islands in lakes.

They grew up mainly in the highlands.
They grew up mainly in the highlands.

They had relatively few buildings.
They had relatively few buildings.

They had pyramids and palaces in their centers.

They had pyramids and palaces in their centers.

How were the religion and the government of the Maya connected?

(4 points)

The religion and government of the Maya were connected in several ways:

1. Divine Kingship: The Maya believed that their rulers were divine beings with a direct connection to the gods. The rulers served as both political and religious leaders, acting as intermediaries between the human world and the realm of the gods.

2. Rituals and Offerings: The government officials played a role in overseeing and conducting religious rituals. These rituals often involved offerings to the gods, and the rulers would participate in such ceremonies to maintain the favor and support of the gods.

3. Calendar and Astronomy: Religion played a significant role in the Maya's understanding of time and the calendar. The government officials, including priests and astronomers, were responsible for studying the celestial movements and interpreting them in a religious context. This knowledge was utilized to determine auspicious times for various activities, including governance and warfare.

4. Temple Complexes as Centers of Power: The Maya cities often featured temple complexes that served as centers of religious and political power. These complexes housed the major temples, palaces, and administrative buildings, symbolizing the close connection between religion and governance. The rulers would frequently perform rituals and public ceremonies in these sacred spaces, further solidifying their authority and divine legitimacy.

Overall, the religion and government of the Maya were intertwined, with the rulers acting as religious leaders, the government officials overseeing religious practices, and religious rituals dictating the political decisions and governance of the civilization.

How did the Aztecs apply their engineering skills to the challenges of living on an island?

(4 points)