Which conclusion is best supported by this map?

(1 point)

The Aztec empire conquered the Olmec civilization.

The Aztec empire conquered the Olmec civilization.

The Olmec civilization depended on slash-and-burn agriculture.

The Olmec civilization depended on slash-and-burn agriculture.

The Aztec empire expanded across a variety of landforms.

The Aztec empire expanded across a variety of landforms.

Food production was easier for the Aztecs than it was for the Olmecs.

The Aztec empire expanded across a variety of landforms.

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Which conclusion is best supported by this map?

(1 point)

The Aztec empire conquered the Olmec civilization.

The Aztec empire conquered the Olmec civilization.

The Olmec civilization depended on slash-and-burn agriculture.

The Olmec civilization depended on slash-and-burn agriculture.

The Aztec empire expanded across a variety of landforms.

The Aztec empire expanded across a variety of landforms.

Food production was easier for the Aztecs than it was for the Olmecs.

The conclusion that is best supported by the map is that the Aztec empire expanded across a variety of landforms.

The majority of Aztecs belonged to what social class?

(1 point)








The majority of Aztecs belonged to the social class of commoners.

436 divided by 1323.908520385

The result of dividing 436 by 1323.908520385 is approximately 0.3291.

Why did the Aztecs engage in human sacrifice?

(1 point)

to punish people who broke the law

to punish people who broke the law

to keep their chief god strong

to keep their chief god strong

to determine who would be the next emperor

to determine who would be the next emperor

to punish their enemies who also engaged in human sacrifice

to punish their enemies who also engaged in human sacrifice