Which is an example of how the physical environment helped the Aztecs establish an empire?

(1 point)

The capital city of Tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack.

The capital city of Tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack.

The active volcanoes kept neighboring peoples from attacking the Aztecs.

The active volcanoes kept neighboring peoples from attacking the Aztecs.

The capital city of Tenochtitlan was located in the dense rain forest.

The capital city of Tenochtitlan was located in the dense rain forest.

The Aztecs lived on a flat plain that was perfect for warfare.

The capital city of Tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack.

Which of these were among the lowest class in Aztec society?

(1 point)

military leaders

military leaders

traders and farmers

traders and farmers

prisoners of war

prisoners of war

nobles and priests

Traders and farmers

Why did the Aztecs sacrifice prisoners of war to the god Huitzilopochtli?

(1 point)

to keep volcanoes from erupting

to keep volcanoes from erupting

to keep neighboring people from invading

to keep neighboring people from invading

to keep slaves from revolting

to keep slaves from revolting

to keep the god from growing weak

To keep the god from growing weak.

How did the Aztecs share their history from generation to generation?

(1 point)

They used hieroglyphs to write history.

They used hieroglyphs to write history.

They told stories of the past.

They told stories of the past.

They used quipu to record information.

They used quipu to record information.

They carved images in stone.

They told stories of the past.

What was an achievement of the Aztecs?

(1 point)

utilizing a well-developed writing system

utilizing a well-developed writing system

developing the numeral zero

developing the numeral zero

the use of an aqueduct

the use of an aqueduct

developing the first calendar

developing the first calendar

developing the numeral zero

The correct answer is: The capital city of Tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack.

Explanation: The physical environment played a significant role in helping the Aztecs establish their empire. The capital city of Tenochtitlan was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, which provided natural barriers and made it difficult for enemies to launch attacks. The lake's surrounding waters acted as a protective moat, and causeways were built to connect the island city to the mainland. This made it easier for the Aztecs to defend their capital and resist invasion, ultimately contributing to their ability to expand and establish their empire.