is my answer correct?

"Tienes mucha hambre, verdad?" "Claro que si! Voy a comer _____ dos hamburguesas."
a. segun
b. sin
c. antes de
d. por lo menos

yes, you're correct

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the sentence: "Voy a comer _____ dos hamburguesas."

The phrase "voy a comer" means "I am going to eat." So the question is asking what comes after "comer."

Option A: "según" means "according to." This doesn't make sense in this context.

Option B: "sin" means "without." This doesn't fit grammatically or contextually.

Option C: "antes de" means "before." This doesn't make sense in this sentence.

Option D: "por lo menos" means "at least." This fits both grammatically and contextually. It implies that the speaker is going to eat at least two hamburgers.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.