Identify the type of election that determines which candidate will be the nominee of their party and requires party members to meet face-to-face.

The type of election that determines which candidate will be the nominee of their party and requires party members to meet face-to-face is called a "caucus."

Identify the vote result a candidate needs to win a primary or caucus.(1 point)


majority vote
majority vote

unanimous vote
unanimous vote

supermajority vote
supermajority vote

plurality vote
plurality vote

The type of election you are referring to is known as a "Primary Election". In primary elections, registered party members select their party's candidate for a specific office by casting secret ballots. These elections are conducted within each political party, and party members must meet face-to-face to participate in the voting process. The primary election aims to determine which candidate within a given political party will ultimately represent that party in the general election.

The type of election that determines which candidate will be the nominee of their party and requires party members to meet face-to-face is known as a "caucus."

To identify this type of election, you can consider the following characteristics:

1. Party nomination: Caucuses are held by political parties to select their preferred candidate for an upcoming election, whether it's at the local, state, or national level.

2. Face-to-face meeting: Unlike a primary election where voters typically go to polling places to cast their ballots, a caucus involves party members physically gathering at a designated location to discuss and express their support for a particular candidate. This usually takes the form of public speeches, deliberations, and debates.

Caucuses vary in their specific procedures from state to state or party to party, but they generally involve a more interactive and hands-on process compared to traditional primary elections.