How do catalysts affect a chemical reaction?

Provide activation energy

Increase activation energy

Lose activation energy

Lower activation energy

Catalysts lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction. Activation energy is the energy required for a reaction to start or proceed. By lowering the activation energy, catalysts make it easier for the reactants to overcome the energy barrier and initiate the reaction. This allows the reaction to occur more quickly or at lower temperatures than it would without a catalyst. In other words, catalysts provide an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy, making the reaction more favorable.

Which answer is it

Catalysts lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction.

What happens during rusting of a iron nail

Iron and sulfur combine to form iron sulfide

Sulfur and oxygen combine to form a Sulfur dioxide coating

Iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide

Sulfur, iron, and oxygen to form iron sulfoxide

Iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide during the rusting of an iron nail.

What does a forward arrow in a chemical equation mean

The reaction proceeds quickly

The reaction proceeds slowly

The reaction yields something

The reaction is reversible

The forward arrow in a chemical equation represents the direction in which the reaction proceeds. It does not indicate the speed of the reaction or whether the reaction is reversible or not.

Which is it quickly or slowly

The forward arrow in a chemical equation does not indicate whether the reaction is fast or slow. The speed of the reaction can vary and is not specified by the arrow.

Is the reaction yields something correct