When reviewing her draft Mara notices that not all of the sentences in her first body paragraph stay focused on its main point which large-scale revision technique would help her solve this problem a check the topic sentences be look for transitions or see include an explanation of evidence

A large-scale revision technique that would help Mara solve the problem of sentences in her first body paragraph not staying focused on its main point is to check the topic sentences, look for transitions, or include an explanation of evidence.

To solve the problem of sentences in the first body paragraph not staying focused on its main point, Mara can utilize the following large-scale revision techniques:

1. Check the topic sentences: Review each topic sentence in the body paragraph and ensure that it directly relates to the main point. If any topic sentence is off-topic or irrelevant, revise it to align with the paragraph's main focus.

2. Look for transitions: Examine the sentences within the paragraph for smooth transitions between ideas. If there are abrupt shifts or unrelated information, revise the sentences to maintain coherence and clarity.

3. Include an explanation of evidence: Make sure that each sentence within the body paragraph provides an explanation or analysis of evidence rather than going off on tangents. The sentences should support the main point and contribute to the paragraph's overall argument.

By employing these large-scale revision techniques, Mara would be able to fix the issue of sentences straying from the main point in her first body paragraph.