In the formula, W = Fdcos⁡θ, where W is the work done by a Force, F, to create displacement, d, what is the definition of θ?

It is an irrelevant angle that can be neglected and be replaced by zero.
It is the angle between the normal force and the displacement of the object.
It is the angle inside the force triangle in which the adjacent side and hypotenuse can either be the force or the displacement.
It is the angle between the line of force and the displacement covered by the object in which the force is applied
It is the angle between the base, floor or ground and the force that causes the object to either be lifted or displaced across the floor.

The correct definition of θ in the formula W = Fdcos⁡θ is: It is the angle between the line of force and the displacement covered by the object in which the force is applied.

The correct definition of θ in the formula W = Fdcos⁡θ is: It is the angle between the line of force and the displacement covered by the object in which the force is applied.