Is Canadian dollars, dollars per foreign is 0.7483, and the foreign per dollar is 1.336. A fresh juice stand in Montreal sells a large glass of orange juice for 4.20 Canadian dollars, if you buy 3 glasses how much have you spent in u.s. dollars?

To find out how much you have spent in U.S. dollars, you need to convert the amount from Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars.

1 Canadian dollar (CAD) = 0.7483 U.S. dollars (USD)
1 U.S. dollar (USD) = 1.336 Canadian dollars (CAD)
1 glass of orange juice costs 4.20 CAD

To convert the cost of one glass from CAD to USD:
4.20 CAD * 0.7483 USD/CAD = 3.13926 USD (rounded to 2 decimal places)

To find out the total cost for 3 glasses, multiply the cost of one glass:
3 glasses * 3.13926 USD/glass = 9.41778 USD (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Therefore, if you buy 3 glasses of orange juice from the fresh juice stand in Montreal, you will spend approximately 9.42 U.S. dollars.

Your car gets 33 miles per gallon of gasoline, and you drove at an average speed of 44 miles per hour. How much gas do you use in an hour?

To calculate how much gas you use in an hour, you need to know the average rate of fuel consumption in gallons per hour.

Miles per gallon (MPG) = 33
Average speed = 44 miles per hour (mph)

To find the fuel consumption per hour, divide the average speed by the mileage per gallon:
Fuel consumption per hour = Average speed / Miles per gallon

Fuel consumption per hour = 44 mph / 33 MPG

Fuel consumption per hour = 1.333 gallons per hour (rounded to 3 decimal places)

Therefore, at an average speed of 44 mph and a fuel efficiency of 33 MPG, you would use approximately 1.333 gallons of gas per hour.

To calculate the amount spent in US dollars for 3 glasses of orange juice priced at 4.20 Canadian dollars each, we need to convert the Canadian dollars to US dollars using the given exchange rate.

The exchange rate of Canadian dollars per US dollar is 0.7483, which means 1 US dollar is equal to 0.7483 Canadian dollars.

First, let's calculate the cost of 3 glasses of orange juice in Canadian dollars:
Cost of 1 glass of orange juice = 4.20 Canadian dollars

Therefore, the total cost of 3 glasses of orange juice in Canadian dollars is:
Total cost = 4.20 Canadian dollars/glass * 3 glasses = 12.60 Canadian dollars

To convert the cost from Canadian dollars to US dollars, we need to multiply the cost in Canadian dollars by the conversion rate:

Total cost in US dollars = Total cost in Canadian dollars * Conversion rate of foreign per dollar

Applying the conversion rate of 1.336 foreign per dollar:

Total cost in US dollars = 12.60 Canadian dollars * (1.336 foreign/dollar)
Total cost in US dollars = 16.8376 US dollars

Therefore, if you buy 3 glasses of orange juice in Montreal for 4.20 Canadian dollars each, you would spend approximately 16.84 US dollars.