If Mexican pesos dollars per foreign is 0.0943 and the foreign per dollar is 10.6045, how many Mexican pesos can you buy for $180?

To calculate the number of Mexican pesos you can buy for $180, you need to use the given conversion rates.

First, find the number of foreign currency units (F) you can get for $180 by dividing $180 by the foreign per dollar rate:

F = $180 / 10.6045 = 16.98

Next, find the number of Mexican pesos (P) you can get for one foreign currency unit by dividing 1 by the Mexican pesos per foreign rate:

P = 1 / 0.0943 = 10.61

Finally, multiply the number of foreign currency units (F) by the number of Mexican pesos (P) you can get for one unit to find the total number of Mexican pesos you can buy:

Mexican pesos = F * P = 16.98 * 10.61 = 180.30

Therefore, you can buy 180.30 Mexican pesos for $180.

To calculate how many Mexican pesos you can buy for $180, we need to use the exchange rate between Mexican pesos and dollars.

Given that the exchange rate is 0.0943 Mexican pesos per dollar, we can calculate the amount of Mexican pesos you can buy as follows:

Amount in Mexican pesos = Amount in dollars * Exchange rate

So, substituting the given values:

Amount in Mexican pesos = $180 * 0.0943

Now, let's calculate:

Amount in Mexican pesos = $16.974

Therefore, you can buy 16.974 Mexican pesos for $180.