Recently one US dollar was worth about 0.52521 British pounds. How much would a car have cost in US dollars that cost 9650 British pounds?

To find out how much the car would have cost in US dollars, we need to multiply the cost in British pounds by the exchange rate.

Cost of the car in US dollars = 9650 British pounds * (1 US dollar / 0.52521 British pounds)

Calculating this, the cost of the car in US dollars would be approximately $18,393.75.

Find a conversion factor between cubic inches and cubic yards. Write it in all three forms

To find a conversion factor between cubic inches and cubic yards, we need to understand the relationship between these two units.

1 cubic yard is equal to 36 inches in each dimension (since 1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches).

Therefore, to convert from cubic inches to cubic yards, we divide the number of cubic inches by (36 inches * 36 inches * 36 inches) which simplifies to 46656 cubic inches.

The conversion factor between cubic inches and cubic yards is:
1 cubic yard = 46656 cubic inches

Written in three forms, the conversion factor can be expressed as:
- 1 cubic yard : 46656 cubic inches
- 1 cu yd : 46656 cu in
- 1 yd³ : 46656 in³

What is the cost of lighting a 500-watt outdoor light for 8 hours, if electricity cost 7.5cents per kilowatt-hour?

To calculate the cost of lighting a 500-watt outdoor light for 8 hours, we need to follow these steps:

1. Convert the power consumption from watts to kilowatts.
2. Multiply the power consumption in kilowatts by the number of hours to find the total energy consumed.
3. Multiply the total energy consumed by the cost per kilowatt-hour to get the total cost.

Step 1: Convert the power consumption from watts to kilowatts.
The power consumption is 500 watts, so converting it to kilowatts:
500 watts = 500/1000 = 0.5 kilowatts

Step 2: Find the total energy consumed.
Total energy consumed = Power consumption in kilowatts × Number of hours
Total energy consumed = 0.5 kilowatts × 8 hours = 4 kilowatt-hours

Step 3: Calculate the total cost.
Total cost = Total energy consumed × Cost per kilowatt-hour
Total cost = 4 kilowatt-hours × $0.075/kilowatt-hour = $0.30

Therefore, the cost of lighting a 500-watt outdoor light for 8 hours, with electricity priced at 7.5 cents per kilowatt-hour, is $0.30.

To find out how much a car would have cost in US dollars, you can use the currency conversion rate of 1 US dollar = 0.52521 British pounds.

First, you need to convert the price of the car from British pounds to US dollars.

Car price in British pounds: 9650

Car price in US dollars = Car price in British pounds / Conversion rate

Car price in US dollars = 9650 / 0.52521

Using a calculator, we can calculate:

Car price in US dollars ≈ 18,377.57

Therefore, a car that costs 9650 British pounds would have cost approximately 18,377.57 US dollars.

To find out how much a car that costs 9650 British pounds would cost in US dollars, we need to convert the price from British pounds to US dollars. The exchange rate you provided tells us that 1 US dollar is worth 0.52521 British pounds.

To convert the price from British pounds to US dollars, we can use the following formula:

Amount in US dollars = Amount in British pounds * Exchange rate

Applying this formula to the given values, we get:

Amount in US dollars = 9650 British pounds * 0.52521 US dollars/British pound

Calculating this, we find:

Amount in US dollars = 5067.8265 US dollars

Therefore, a car that costs 9650 British pounds would be approximately 5067.83 US dollars.