I want to find out how a hexagon and a square tessallate together?

To determine if a hexagon and a square can tessellate together, we need to check if their shapes can fit together without any gaps or overlaps.

First, let's understand the properties of a hexagon and a square:

- A hexagon is a six-sided polygon with all sides and angles equal. Each angle of a regular hexagon measures 120 degrees.
- A square is a four-sided polygon with all sides and angles equal. Each angle of a square measures 90 degrees.

Now, let's explore the possibilities:

1. Hexagons only: Hexagons can tessellate by themselves, meaning they can fill a plane without any gaps or overlaps. Hexagonal tessellation is commonly seen in honeycomb structures.

2. Squares only: Similar to hexagons, squares can also tessellate by themselves. They can be placed adjacent to create a grid-like pattern that extends indefinitely.

3. Hexagons and squares combined: Unfortunately, a hexagon and a square cannot tessellate together without leaving gaps or overlaps. When you try to place a hexagon next to a square, the angles and sides do not align properly, preventing a seamless fit.

In conclusion, a hexagon and a square do not tessellate together. However, they can individually tessellate on their own.