1) The Aurora Borealis, also known as Northern Lights, is normally only seen in the most northern regions, like Canada, Alaska & the North Pole. However, in 1859, there was a geomagnetic storm so big the Aurora Borealis was seen as far SOUTH as ...

1 point
United States

United States

2) The largest geomagnetic storm on record, known as the __________ _________ occurred in 1859, causing _________ to spark & caused fires! (There are 2 correct and BOTH must be selected!)

2 points
Solar Apocalypse
Carrington Event

Carrington Event and Telegraphs

3) On average the sun's magnetic poles _____________ every _____ years. (There are 2 correct and BOTH must be selected!)

2 points
2 years
11 years

Reverse and 11 years

4) Select the most correct response:

1 point
The presence of more sunspots indicates increased activity and more intense Geomagnetic Storms ahead.
The presence of fewer sunspots indicates increased activity and more intense Geomagnetic Storms ahead.
Sunspots have nothing to do with solar activity.

The presence of more sunspots indicates increased activity and more intense Geomagnetic Storms ahead.

5) When the sun's magnetic field lines stretch & snap, massive energy is released as a

1 point
Solar Flare
Sun Spot
Solar Eclipse
None of the Above

Solar Flare

6) In 2012, Earth had a "near miss" Carrington-sized solar event when the sun had a huge emission, but

1 point
missed Earth by 9 days because our early warning satellites neutralized the solar radiation.
missed Earth by 9 days because the Sun was aimed away from Earth due to the Sun's 25 day rotation.
the solar wind barely created a breeze by the time it made it to Earth.