The town of Oak Manor measures 3.8 miles by 4.2 miles. Solve for the total area.(1 point)


15.96 mi
15.96 mi

15.96 mi2
15.96 mi squared

8 mi2
8 mi squared

16 mi2.

To solve for the total area, you need to multiply the length and the width of the town of Oak Manor.

So, the total area is 3.8 miles x 4.2 miles = 15.96 square miles.

Therefore, the correct answer is 15.96 mi2 or 15.96 mi squared.

A diver searches for a sunken treasure that is 97.2

feet below the surface. What is the diver's elevation when he is 23 of the way down? (1 point)

negative 32 point 4 ft.

−145.8 ft.
negative 145 point 8 ft.

negative 64 point 8 ft.


To find the diver's elevation when he is 23% of the way down, you need to find 23% of 97.2 ft.

23% of 97.2 ft = 0.23 * 97.2 ft = 22.356 ft.

Therefore, the diver's elevation when he is 23% of the way down is -22.356 ft, which can be rounded to -22.4 ft or -22.4 feet above sea level.

None of the provided options match the correct answer.

A basketball player is 623 feet tall. His infant son is 14 as tall. How tall is his son?(1 point)


1 1/2 ft.
1 Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction ft.

2 2/3 ft.
2 Start Fraction 2 over 3 End Fraction ft.

2 2/12 ft.
2 Start Fraction 2 over 12 End Fraction ft.

1 2/3 ft.

If the basketball player is 623 feet tall and his infant son is 1/4 as tall, we need to find 1/4 of 623 feet.

1/4 of 623 feet = (1/4) * 623 feet = 155.75 feet.

Therefore, the son is 155.75 feet tall.

None of the provided options match the correct answer.

To solve for the total area of the town of Oak Manor, we need to multiply the length and width of the town.

Length = 3.8 miles
Width = 4.2 miles

To find the area, we use the formula:

Area = Length * Width

Substituting the given values:

Area = 3.8 miles * 4.2 miles

Calculating the multiplication:

Area = 15.96 square miles

Therefore, the total area of Oak Manor is 15.96 square miles.

To solve for the total area of the town of Oak Manor, you need to multiply the length and the width of the town. In this case, the length is 3.8 miles and the width is 4.2 miles.

To get the total area, you simply multiply the length (3.8 miles) by the width (4.2 miles):

Area = Length x Width

Area = 3.8 miles x 4.2 miles

Area = 15.96 square miles (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the total area of the town of Oak Manor is 15.96 square miles.