Discuss the differences in the cultural climate of the Middle Ages compared to the Renaissance. How did the values and ideas of humanism represent a break with medieval culture? Use your knowledge of the history, society, and culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. in 2 to 3 sntences

The cultural climate of the Middle Ages was characterized by a strong influence of the Catholic Church, with an emphasis on religious piety and the belief in the afterlife. In contrast, the Renaissance saw a shift towards a more secular and humanistic worldview, valuing individual achievement, the pursuit of knowledge, and the importance of human dignity and potential, which represented a break from the medieval focus on spiritual salvation and the submission to divine authority.

The cultural climate of the Middle Ages was marked by a strong emphasis on religious faith, hierarchical societal structure, and a focus on the afterlife. In contrast, the Renaissance saw a shift towards humanism, which emphasized the importance of human achievements, the potential for individual greatness, and the pursuit of knowledge and artistic expression. Humanism represented a break from medieval culture by placing a greater emphasis on the value of individual human beings, secular learning, and a more worldly, empirical approach to understanding the world.