WHat was the main source of food for caddo people in Texas regions? Farming? Fishing? Trading? Hunting?

The main source of food for the Caddo people in the Texas regions was a combination of farming and hunting. Agriculture played a vital role in their lives, with crops such as maize (corn), beans, and squash being cultivated. They also practiced hunting and gathering, targeting game animals such as deer, bison, and elk. Fishing in nearby rivers and lakes was another important activity for obtaining food. While trading did occur among different tribes, it was not the main source of food for the Caddo people.

WHat was the main source of food for caddo people in Texas regions? Farming? Fishing? Trading? Hunting? (1 answer response?)

The main source of food for the Caddo people in Texas regions was farming.

The main source of food for the Caddo people in the Texas regions was a combination of farming, fishing, hunting, and gathering. The Caddo were skilled farmers who cultivated crops such as maize (corn), beans, and squash. These crops formed the basis of their diet and provided them with a stable food source. In addition to farming, the Caddo relied on fishing in rivers, lakes, and streams as another important source of food. They also engaged in hunting wild game, including deer, rabbits, squirrels, and turkeys. Additionally, the Caddo people gathered wild plants, fruits, nuts, and seeds to supplement their diet. Trading was also an important aspect of their food procurement, as they would exchange their surplus goods and crops with neighboring tribes to diversify their food sources.