Compare the tactics used by the French troops in the French and Indian War with those of the American patriots during the Revolution.

Put this simple and short.

French troops in the French and Indian War primarily relied on traditional European warfare tactics, such as wearing bright uniforms and lining up in open fields for battles. American patriots during the Revolution, however, adopted guerrilla warfare tactics, like hiding behind trees and using hit-and-run ambushes against the British forces.

French Troops (French and Indian War):

- The French troops heavily relied on traditional European-style warfare tactics, such as using large formations and massed firepower.
- They focused on defending their fortified positions and engaging in conventional battles.
- The French troops were supported by their native allies, who provided valuable knowledge of the local terrain and guerrilla warfare tactics.

American Patriots (Revolution):
- The American patriots utilized guerrilla warfare tactics, such as ambushes, hit-and-run attacks, and harassment of British forces.
- As they were fighting against a more powerful British army, the patriots relied on asymmetric warfare to negate the enemy's advantages.
- They used tactics that took advantage of the geography and knowledge of the local terrain, such as utilizing dense forests and urban environments to their benefit.

Overall, the French troops in the French and Indian War relied on traditional European tactics, while the American patriots during the Revolution used more unconventional and guerrilla warfare tactics to fight against the British.