Population density is computed by dividing the total population of a location by the land area. A town has a population of 210,756 with a population density of 52 residents per square mile. What is the town’s land area?

To find the land area of a town, we need to divide the population by the population density.

First, convert the population density from residents per square mile to residents per square unit. Since 1 square mile is equal to 640 square units, divide the population density by 640:

52 residents per square mile / 640 square units per square mile = 0.08125 residents per square unit.

Next, divide the population by the population density to find the land area:

210,756 residents / 0.08125 residents per square unit = 2,596,565.38 square units.

Therefore, the town’s land area is approximately 2,596,565.38 square units.

Population density is computed by dividing the total population of a location by the land area. A town has a population of 210,756 with a population density of 52 residents per square mile. What is the town’s land area in square miles

To find the land area of the town, we can use the formula for population density:

Population Density = Total Population / Land Area

We are given that the population density is 52 residents per square mile, and the total population is 210,756. Let's assign variables to the unknown values:

Population Density = 52 residents per square mile
Total Population = 210,756 residents
Land Area = ?

Now, we can rearrange the formula to solve for the land area:

Land Area = Total Population / Population Density

Substituting the given values:

Land Area = 210,756 residents / 52 residents per square mile

Simplifying the expression:

Land Area = 4,058.3077 square miles

Therefore, the land area of the town is approximately 4,058.3077 square miles.

To find the town's land area, we need to divide the total population by the population density. The formula for calculating population density is:

Population Density = Total Population / Land Area

In this case, the population density is given as 52 residents per square mile, and the total population is given as 210,756.

So, let's rearrange the formula to solve for land area:

Land Area = Total Population / Population Density

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Land Area = 210,756 / 52

Now we can compute the land area by performing the division:

Land Area ≈ 4050.3 square miles

Therefore, the town's land area is approximately 4050.3 square miles.