Please write or type the definitions of each word below.


Genre -

Informational text -

Nonfiction -

Subgenre -

Genre - A category or type of artistic, literary, or musical composition characterized by shared characteristics or themes. It usually represents a specific form or style within a broader category.

Informational text - A type of writing that provides facts, details, and explanations about a particular topic or subject. It is meant to inform or educate the reader rather than entertain.

Nonfiction - Writing that is based on real-life events, people, and facts. It deals with the representation and interpretation of reality and is not imaginary or fictional.

Subgenre - A subcategory or subdivision within a larger genre. It is a distinct and identifiable subset of a genre that shares specific characteristics or themes.

Genre - Genre refers to a category or classification of artistic or literary works based on their style, subject matter, or format. It is a way to group and organize various types of creative works, such as books, music, films, or artwork, based on shared characteristics or themes.

Informational text - Informational text is a category of writing that aims to provide facts, knowledge, explanations, or instructions about a particular subject. It is designed to convey information and is commonly found in textbooks, encyclopedias, informational articles, manuals, or reports.

Nonfiction - Nonfiction refers to any type of writing or literary work that is based on factual information or reality. Unlike fiction, which is imaginative and made-up, nonfiction presents real events, people, or facts. Examples of nonfiction include biographies, history books, textbooks, essays, or scientific articles.

Subgenre - A subgenre is a more specific category or subdivision within a larger genre. It represents a narrower focus or particular style within a broader genre. Subgenres can be identified by their unique characteristics, themes, or techniques. For example, within the genre of science fiction, subgenres can include space opera, dystopian fiction, or cyberpunk.