Multiple Choice

How can someone be humorous and have fun online with others without becoming a bully?
(1 point)

She can make her mean comments anonymously.
She can make her mean comments anonymously.

She can use etiquette to make sure that written communication is clearly understood.
She can use etiquette to make sure that written communication is clearly understood.

She can use ALL CAPS when she types.
She can use ALL CAPS when she types.

She can randomly forward emailed or text attachments.
She can randomly forward emailed or text attachments.

She can use etiquette to make sure that written communication is clearly understood.

The correct answer is:

Option 2: She can use etiquette to make sure that written communication is clearly understood.

Using etiquette means being polite, respectful, and considerate in online interactions. This includes avoiding mean or hurtful comments and focusing on positive and light-hearted humor. It is important to remember that humor should be inclusive and not intended to harm or bully others.