Good readers use a variety of _________________________ to determine the central idea of a text. (p 8)

Good readers use a variety of strategies and techniques to determine the central idea of a text.

Good readers use a variety of strategies to determine the central idea of a text. These strategies may include:

1. Reading the title and headings: The title and headings often provide clues about the main idea of the text.
2. Skimming and scanning: Skimming the text to get a general sense of the content and scanning for keywords related to the main idea.
3. Identifying key details: Paying attention to important information, facts, or examples that support the main idea.
4. Analyzing text structure: Understanding how the text is organized (e.g., cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast) to identify the main idea.
5. Noting repetition: Recognizing if certain words, phrases, or ideas are repeated throughout the text, as they may indicate the central theme.
6. Summarizing: Restating the main points or main idea of each paragraph or section of the text in your own words.
7. Making connections: Relating the information in the text to prior knowledge or personal experiences to better understand the central idea.
8. Asking questions: Formulating questions about the text to help uncover the main idea.
9. Reflecting on the author's purpose: Considering why the author wrote the text and what message they are trying to convey.
10. Discussing and collaborating: Engaging in conversations with others about the text to gain different perspectives and insights.

By utilizing these strategies, good readers can effectively determine the central idea of a text.