Apply the Property of Negative Integer Exponents to generate an expression equivalent to 5−94−12 with positive exponents only.(1 point)


5^(-9)4^(-12) = (1/5^9)(1/4^12)

To apply the Property of Negative Integer Exponents and generate an expression equivalent to 5^(-9)4^(-12) with positive exponents only, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Flip each base to make the exponents positive.
5^(-9)4^(-12) becomes 1/5^(9)1/4^(12).

Step 2: Rewrite each term in fractional form using positive exponents:
1/5^(9)1/4^(12) = 1/(5^9) * 1/(4^12).

Therefore, 5^(-9)4^(-12) is equivalent to 1/(5^9) * 1/(4^12), where both exponents are positive.