Which statement best describes a command economy

A command economy is an economic system in which the government has total control over the production, pricing, and distribution of goods and services.

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Which statement best describes a command economy

A individuals make most economy choices
B Market forces decide most economy questions

A command economy is a system where the government controls and makes most economic decisions, determines production levels and quotas, and allocates resources.

Which statement best describes a command economy

A individuals make most economy choices
B Market forces decide most economy questions
C the government controls most economy activity
D businesses determine most economic outcomes

C the government controls most economy activity

Confucianism and Daoism developed in China while Choose emerged in Japan.

The statement is incorrect. Confucianism and Daoism did indeed develop in China, but Shinto, not Choose, emerged in Japan. Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, which focuses on the worship of nature and ancestral spirits.

Yes, that statement is correct. Confucianism and Daoism are both philosophical and religious traditions that originated in China. Confucianism emphasizes moral values, social harmony, and respect for authority, while Daoism emphasizes living in harmony with the natural flow of the universe. Shintoism, on the other hand, is the indigenous religion of Japan, which focuses on the worship of nature, ancestral spirits, and the divine essence in various natural phenomena.