Convert 3 18/25 to a decimal

To convert the mixed number 3 18/25 to a decimal, we first convert the fraction part:

18/25 = 0.72 (since 18 divided by 25 equals 0.72)

Then we add the whole number part:

3 + 0.72 = 3.72

Therefore, 3 18/25 is equivalent to 3.72 as a decimal.

17/25 as a decimal

To convert 17/25 to a decimal, you can divide 17 by 25:

17 divided by 25 equals 0.68.

Therefore, 17/25 is equivalent to 0.68 as a decimal.

Ms. Davis hires Kyle to mow the grass, edge the lawn, clean up the leaves, and plant 2 flower beds. Kyle spends 3.2 hours completing the work. What is Kyle's average hourly earnings for the job?

A $15.00$15.00
B $16.25$16.25
C $17.50$17.50
D $18.75$18.75
E $20.25

In order to find Kyle's average hourly earnings for the job, we need to divide the total amount he earned by the number of hours he worked.

Let's assign a variable to Kyle's average hourly earnings, such as "x".

We know that Kyle spent 3.2 hours completing the work, so we'll multiply his average hourly earnings by 3.2 to find the total amount he earned for the job.

3.2x = total income from the job

From the given responses, we need to find the value of "x" that will make the equation true.

Let's examine the provided options:
A) $15 * 3.2 = $48
B) $16.25 * 3.2 = $52
C) $17.50 * 3.2 = $56
D) $18.75 * 3.2 = $60
E) $20.25 * 3.2 = $64.80

Since option B yields the closest value to 3.2x, we can conclude that Kyle's average hourly earnings for the job are $16.25.

Therefore, the correct response is B) $16.25.


-84 by 7

To divide -84 by 7:

-84 ÷ 7 = -12

Therefore, -84 divided by 7 equals -12.

Henry did 5/6

of his math problems. The next day, he checked 2/3
of the homework problems he did the night before. What fraction of the homework problems did he check?

To find out what fraction of the homework problems Henry checked, we need to multiply the fractions 5/6 and 2/3:

(5/6) * (2/3) = 10/18

The fraction 10/18 is already simplified, but we can simplify it further by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:

10/18 = (10 ÷ 2) / (18 ÷ 2) = 5/9

Therefore, Henry checked 5/9 of the homework problems.

The correct response is 5/9.

Over the course of four weeks Mia spent 35 1/2

hours training for a race. Michael spent 1 1/2
times that amount training for the same race. How many hours did Michael spend training?

To find out how many hours Michael spent training, we need to multiply 35 1/2 by 1 1/2.

First, let's convert 35 1/2 to an improper fraction:
35 1/2 = (2 * 35 + 1)/2 = 71/2

Now, let's convert 1 1/2 to an improper fraction:
1 1/2 = (2 * 1 + 1)/2 = 3/2

Next, we'll multiply the two fractions together:
(71/2) * (3/2) = (71 * 3) / (2 * 2) = 213/4

Finally, let's simplify the fraction:
213/4 = (213 ÷ 3) / (4 ÷ 3) = 71/1

Therefore, Michael spent 71 hours training for the race.

The correct response is 71.

Over the last 6 months, Josh wrote 6 checks for a total of $702 to pay his phone bill. His phone bill is the same amount each month. What was the change in Josh’s bank account balance each month after paying his phone bill?


To find the change in Josh's bank account balance each month, we need to divide the total amount he paid for his phone bill by the number of months.

The total amount paid for the phone bill over 6 months is $702.

To determine the change in the bank account balance each month, we divide the total amount by the number of months:

$702 / 6 = $117

Therefore, the change in Josh's bank account balance each month after paying his phone bill is -$117.

The correct response is -$117.

Stan owns 4/5

of an acre of land. Of that, 2/3
of the land is fenced. How many acres of land is fenced?

To find out how many acres of land are fenced, we need to multiply 4/5 by 2/3.

First, let's multiply the fractions:
(4/5) * (2/3) = 8/15

Therefore, 8/15 of an acre of land is fenced.

The correct response is 8/15 acres of land.

How much pizza will each person get if 4 people share 3/4

of a pizza equally?

To find out how much pizza each person will get, we need to divide 3/4 of a pizza by 4.

First, let's divide the fractions:
(3/4) ÷ 4 = 3/16

Therefore, each person will get 3/16 of a pizza.

The correct response is 3/16 of a pizza.


To solve the expression -10(-12)(5), we need to perform the indicated operations in the following order: first, we multiply -10 and -12, and then multiply the result by 5.

-10 (-12) = 120 (since multiplying two negative numbers gives a positive product)
120 (5) = 600

Therefore, -10(-12)(5) equals 600.

Twenty-four pencils are in a package. The students use 3/8

of the pencils. How many did they use?

To find out how many pencils the students used, we need to multiply the total number of pencils (24) by the fraction representing the amount used (3/8).

First, let's perform the calculation:

(24) x (3/8) = (24/1) x (3/8) = (24 x 3) / (1 x 8) = 72/8

Next, simplify the fraction:

72/8 = 9

Therefore, the students used 9 pencils.

The correct response is 9 pencils.