2) It was the next-to-last day of school, and Mr. Cosby’s 4th Period class was English III (Juniors). Of a class of 32 students, only 11 remained. At first they (1) was content just to chat but eventually they got (4) board. (5) I called her to see if she had a deck of Uno, but Mrs. Dial didn’t. Since it was close to the end of the year, Deloris (6) decided to organize a game of Uno on their cell phones. (3) Moving closer to the mounted television, Uno was played.

Between (1) and (6), identify the verb that is correct. Then, correct the one that is incorrect:

The correct verb in sentence (1) is "were" instead of "was". The sentence should be: "At first they were content just to chat but eventually they got bored."

Between (1) and (6), the correct verb is "was" in sentence (1), and the incorrect verb is "was" in sentence (6).