identify and list adequate and applicable embedded system requirements

1. Hardware requirements: The specific microcontroller, sensors, actuators, and other hardware components required for the embedded system to function properly need to be identified and listed.

2. Power requirements: The power source or battery capacity needed to run the embedded system efficiently and consistently should be determined.

3. Memory requirements: The amount of RAM and storage space needed to store the program code and data for the embedded system should be specified.

4. Real-time requirements: If the embedded system needs to respond to real-time events or perform tasks within strict time constraints, these requirements should be clearly defined.

5. Communication requirements: The type of communication interfaces (e.g., UART, SPI, I2C, Ethernet) that the embedded system should support, as well as the required data transfer rates and protocols, should be identified.

6. Safety and reliability requirements: If the embedded system is used in safety-critical applications, such as medical devices or automotive systems, specific safety and reliability requirements need to be addressed, such as fail-safe mechanisms or redundancy.

7. Environmental requirements: The operating environment and conditions in which the embedded system will be deployed, such as temperature, humidity, vibration, or electromagnetic interference, should be taken into consideration and appropriate measures should be defined.

8. User interface requirements: If the embedded system includes a user interface, such as a screen, buttons, or touch input, the functionality, usability, and design requirements should be outlined.

9. Security requirements: If the embedded system handles sensitive data or needs to be protected against unauthorized access or malicious attacks, specific security measures and protocols should be defined.

10. Regulatory and standards compliance: If the embedded system needs to meet specific industry regulations or standards, such as medical device regulations or automotive safety standards, these requirements should be identified and addressed.

It is important to note that the specific requirements will vary depending on the type and purpose of the embedded system. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly analyze the system's intended use and consult with stakeholders to determine the most appropriate and applicable requirements.

Identifying and listing adequate and applicable embedded system requirements depends on the specific application and intended use of the system. However, there are some common requirements that are typically necessary for most embedded systems. Here are some examples of such requirements:

1. Functional requirements: These describe what the embedded system should be able to do or the specific tasks it needs to perform. For example, if the embedded system is controlling a temperature sensor, the functional requirement would be to measure and regulate the temperature within a certain range.

2. Performance requirements: These specify the desired performance characteristics of the embedded system. This may include factors such as speed, accuracy, responsiveness, and throughput. For instance, if the system is responsible for controlling an industrial assembly line, the performance requirement may be to process a certain number of items per minute.

3. Power requirements: Embedded systems are often designed to operate on limited power sources, such as batteries or energy harvesting. Power requirements include the maximum power consumption, power efficiency, and power management capabilities.

4. Memory requirements: This includes the amount of memory, both volatile (RAM) and non-volatile (Flash memory), needed for storage and processing of data, as well as the ability to handle different types of data efficiently.

5. Safety and reliability requirements: For certain applications, safety and reliability are critical. These requirements involve ensuring that the system adheres to stringent safety standards, operates without failure, and has built-in fault-tolerance mechanisms.

6. Security requirements: Embedded systems may need to protect sensitive data or prevent unauthorized access. Security requirements may include encryption, authentication, access control, and secure communication protocols.

7. Environmental requirements: Depending on the deployment environment, embedded systems may need to operate in extreme temperatures, high humidity, or high vibrations. Additionally, they may need to comply with certain industry-specific regulations like electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards.

8. User interface requirements: This involves specifying the interaction between the user and the embedded system. User interface requirements may include display characteristics, input methods (buttons, touch, voice), and accessibility features.

9. Lifecycle requirements: This includes maintenance and update considerations, such as the ability to remotely update firmware or install patches, and the expected lifespan of the embedded system.

These are just a few examples of the types of requirements that can apply to embedded systems. The specific requirements will vary based on the context and application of the system being developed.