how are whole numbers and integers related

Whole numbers and integers are closely related as they both represent positive numbers that do not have any decimals or fractions.

Whole numbers include all positive numbers starting from zero (0) and do not include any negative numbers or decimals. They are commonly used for counting or measuring quantities that are not broken down into smaller parts.

Integers, on the other hand, include all whole numbers but also include their negative counterparts. In addition to the positive numbers, integers also include their opposites or negative values. Therefore, integers include all positive numbers, zero, and all negative numbers.

In summary, integers are an extension of whole numbers by also including negative numbers. Whole numbers are a subset of integers.

Whole numbers and integers are related in that they both consist of positive numbers that do not include fractions or decimals.

Whole numbers are a subset of integers. They include all non-negative numbers starting from zero (0) and counting upwards. Whole numbers do not include any negative numbers.

Integers, on the other hand, include all whole numbers and their opposites (negative numbers). They consist of both positive and negative numbers, including zero (0). Integers can be represented on a number line, with positive numbers to the right of zero and negative numbers to the left.

In summary, while whole numbers only include non-negative numbers, integers include both positive and negative numbers as well as zero.