The detail on p. 199, in "Of Wolves and Men," that describes how the wolf's fur carries seeds to be dispersed along his trail reveals...

a. the author’s perspective on events.
b. the wolf’s perspective on events.
c. the wolf’s prey’s perspective on events.

c. the wolf’s prey’s perspective on events.

Which word is the best synonym for undistinguished?





Which sentence below includes a compound verb?

The wolf pounced on a mouse and ate it.
The wolf pounced on a mouse and ate it.

The wolf’s underfur grew dense and thick.
The wolf’s underfur grew dense and thick.

Hares and caribou are among the wolf’s prey.

The sentence "The wolf pounced on a mouse and ate it." includes a compound verb.

Based on the information provided, the detail on page 199 that describes how the wolf's fur carries seeds to be dispersed along his trail reveals c. the wolf’s prey's perspective on events.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the passage on page 199 of "Of Wolves and Men." Since I don't have access to the book, I will guide you through the process of finding the answer.

1. Obtain a copy of "Of Wolves and Men" by Barry Holstun Lopez.
2. Go to page 199 of the book.
3. Read the passage carefully, paying close attention to the details mentioned about the wolf's fur carrying seeds.
4. Consider the information provided in the passage and think about the perspectives it might reveal.

Based on this analysis, you should be able to determine whether the perspective revealed in the passage is:

a. The author’s perspective on events.
b. The wolf’s perspective on events.
c. The wolf’s prey’s perspective on events.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the answer to this question.