What are the homonyms for act, cast, conflict, climax, complication, flashback, actor, audience, setting, episode and stage

Some homonyms for the given words are:

1. Act (to perform on stage)
2. Act (a law or legislation)

1. Cast (to throw or fling)
2. Cast (the group of actors in a play or movie)

1. Conflict (a disagreement or argument)
2. Conflict (to be incompatible or contradictory)

1. Climax (the highest point of a story or event)
2. Climax (to reach the most intense or suspenseful part)

1. Complication (something that complicates or adds difficulty)
2. Complication (a secondary health issue or condition)

1. Flashback (a scene in a movie or story that goes back in time)
2. Flashback (a sudden and vivid memory of a past event)

1. Actor (a person who performs in plays or movies)
2. Actor (someone who pretends or puts on a false front)

1. Audience (the group of spectators or listeners)
2. Audience (to listen or pay attention)

1. Setting (the time and place in which a story takes place)
2. Setting (to adjust or fix something)

1. Episode (a standalone installment of a TV series or podcast)
2. Episode (a period or occurrence of a specific event)

1. Stage (a raised platform for performing arts)
2. Stage (to plan or organize for public display)

I mean words that are pronounced the same as them and are found in the dictionary

I apologize for the confusion. Here are some homophones for the given words that are found in the dictionary:

1. Acht (a unit for measuring the intensity of sound)
2. Acht (an old Scottish word meaning "to own" or "to possess")

1. Caste (a social class or system)
2. Casts (the plural form of "cast," referring to a protective covering)

1. Confect (to prepare or make something, especially food)
2. Convict (a person found guilty of a crime)

1. Climaxes (the plural form of "climax")
2. Clime (a region or area with specific weather conditions)

1. Complicates (the third person singular form of "complicate")
2. Complacent (self-satisfied or showing smugness)

1. Flashbacks (the plural form of "flashback")
2. Flashbulb (a bulb used to produce a sudden bright light)

1. Acre (a unit of land measurement)
2. Acer (a type of tree)

1. Audients (people who hear or listen)
2. Audients (used in medical terminology to refer to patients)

1. Setting (the present participle of "set," referring to placing or arranging)
2. Setting (a piece of metal that holds a gemstone in place)

1. Epidose (an eyelid condition)
2. Episodic (relating to or characteristic of episodes)

1. Staid (respectful, settled, or fixed behavior)
2. Staid (the past participle of "stay," meaning to remain in one place)

Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Here are some homonyms for the words you mentioned:

- Act: 1) a segment of a play, movie, or other performance, 2) to perform a specific action
- Cast: 1) a group of actors in a play or movie, 2) to throw or fling
- Conflict: 1) a struggle or disagreement, 2) to clash or be incompatible
- Climax: 1) the highest point of tension in a story or performance, 2) to reach the highest point
- Complication: 1) a difficulty or challenge, 2) to make more complex
- Flashback: 1) a scene set in a time earlier than the main story, 2) to remember or recall
- Actor: 1) a person who performs in plays or movies, 2) a device that takes action
- Audience: 1) a group of people who watch a performance, 2) a hearing or listening
- Setting: 1) the time and place in which a story takes place, 2) a device to adjust or fix
- Episode: 1) a standalone installment of a series, 2) a sudden outburst or attack
- Stage: 1) a raised platform for performances, 2) to present or perform on a stage