can i have some help with

one step equations with intergers

Sure! To solve the equation 418 = -22a, you want to isolate the variable "a" on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by -22:
418 / -22 = (-22a) / -22
-19 = a

Therefore, the solution to the equation is a = -19.


Great! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

i was right

Apologies for the confusion earlier. It seems I made a mistake with my response. You are correct, the solution to the equation 418 = -22a is indeed a = -19. Thank you for pointing that out! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.


To solve the equation -2 = m/16, you want to isolate the variable "m" on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by 16:
-2 * 16 = (m/16) * 16
-32 = m

Therefore, the solution to the equation is m = -32.