which of the following can be a consequence of noncompliance with EEOC law and regulations

bad publicity
disparate impact
refunds to unhappy customers sexual harasment

All of the following can be consequences of noncompliance with EEOC law and regulations:

1. Bad publicity: Noncompliance with EEOC laws can lead to negative media attention and public perception, harming the organization's reputation and brand image.

2. Disparate impact: Failure to comply with EEOC laws and regulations can result in discriminatory practices that disproportionately impact certain protected groups, leading to potential legal action and liability.

3. Sexual harassment: Noncompliance with EEOC regulations related to preventing and addressing sexual harassment can result in employee complaints, lawsuits, and reputational damage.

It is important for organizations to prioritize adherence to EEOC laws and regulations to avoid these and other potential consequences.

Noncompliance with EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) law and regulations can have several consequences. Some possible consequences include:

1. Bad publicity: Noncompliance with EEOC law and regulations can lead to negative media coverage and public attention, which can damage a company's reputation and brand image.

2. Disparate impact: Noncompliance can result in unlawful employment practices that disproportionately affect protected groups, resulting in a disparate impact on certain individuals or groups.

3. Refunds to unhappy customers: While not a direct consequence, noncompliance with EEOC regulations may lead to unhappy employees who, in turn, provide subpar customer service, potentially necessitating refunds to dissatisfied customers.

4. Sexual harassment claims: Noncompliance with EEOC regulations can create an environment where sexual harassment is more likely to occur. If sexual harassment incidents take place within the organization, victims may file complaints, resulting in potential legal consequences for the company.

Please note that these consequences can vary depending on the specific circumstances and severity of the noncompliance. It is advisable for companies to abide by EEOC law and regulations to prevent these potential negative outcomes.