Methane reacts with Oxygen gas to form carbon dioxide and water Methane is flammable but carbon dioxide is not does this make sense why or why not

No it doesn't make sense because we expect products and reactants to have different properties
Yes it makes sense because we expect products and reactants to have different properties
Yes it makes sense because a physical change took place
No it doesn't make sense because a physical change took place

Yes it makes sense because we expect products and reactants to have different properties. In this case, methane is a flammable gas while carbon dioxide is not. The reaction between methane and oxygen results in a chemical change where the bonds between the atoms in methane and oxygen are broken and new bonds form to create carbon dioxide and water. This process typically involves the release of energy and a change in the physical and chemical properties of the substances involved.

Yes it makes sense because we expect products and reactants to have different properties.