As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. Which of the following would best fit with his position?

(1 point)

Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1850

Dred Scott decision
Dred Scott decision

Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act

Wilmot Proviso

Which of the following were strategies used by the Union during the Civil War? Select all that apply.
(1 point)

naval blockade
naval blockade

defensive war
defensive war

seizing control of the Mississippi River
seizing control of the Mississippi River

relying on European countries for supplies
relying on European countries for supplies

The correct answer for the first question would be "Dred Scott decision." Lincoln expressed strong opposition to the Dred Scott decision, which upheld the legality of slavery.

The correct answers for the second question are "naval blockade" and "seizing control of the Mississippi River." The Union used a naval blockade to cut off Confederate trade and supplies, and they seized control of the Mississippi River to divide the Confederacy and disrupt their transportation routes. They did not rely on European countries for supplies; in fact, they tried to prevent European countries from recognizing the Confederacy or supplying them. Defensive war is also a strategy used by the Union, as they aimed to defend their territory and prevent the Confederacy from gaining more ground.

Which characteristic ultimately led to General McClellan’s replacement as Commander of the Union army?

(1 point)

his organizational ability
his organizational ability

his cautious nature on the battlefield
his cautious nature on the battlefield

his reckless nature on the battlefield
his reckless nature on the battlefield

his failure at the first Battle of Bull Run

The correct answer is "his cautious nature on the battlefield." General McClellan's cautious approach and hesitation to take risks on the battlefield ultimately led to his replacement as Commander of the Union army.

For the first question, the best fit with Lincoln's position on slavery would be the Dred Scott decision.

For the second question, the strategies used by the Union during the Civil War include:

- naval blockade
- defensive war
- seizing control of the Mississippi River