8 of 108 of 10 Items

Which characteristic ultimately led to General McClellan’s replacement as Commander of the Union army?
(1 point)

his organizational ability
his organizational ability

his cautious nature on the battlefield
his cautious nature on the battlefield

his reckless nature on the battlefield
his reckless nature on the battlefield

his failure at the first Battle of Bull Run
his failure at the first Battle of Bull Run
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his failure at the first Battle of Bull Run

9 of 109 of 10 Items

Why did the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision anger Northerners?
(1 point)

It made slavery legal in the territories.
It made slavery legal in the territories.

It sought to continue the series of  compromises on slavery.
It sought to continue the series of  compromises on slavery.

It allowed for expansion of slavery into the North.
It allowed for expansion of slavery into the North.

It created popular sovereignty as the rule for all territories.
It created popular sovereignty as the rule for all territories.
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It allowed for expansion of slavery into the North.

According to the given information, there are 108 items and 8 of them have a certain characteristic. However, the provided question is unrelated to this information. To answer the question, General McClellan was ultimately replaced as Commander of the Union army due to his cautious nature on the battlefield.