Convert to base ten:


To convert a number in base five to base ten, you need to multiply each digit by the corresponding power of five and then add the results.

In this case, starting from the rightmost digit, the digit 0 in the "five" place has a value of 0 * 5^0 = 0.
The digit 3 in the "twenty-five" place has a value of 3 * 5^1 = 15.
The digit 1 in the "one hundred twenty-five" place has a value of 1 * 5^2 = 25 * 5 = 125.

Adding these values together, we get: 0 + 15 + 125 = 140.

Therefore, 130five in base ten is equal to 140.

To convert the number 130 from base five to base ten, we need to multiply each digit of the number by the corresponding power of five and add them up.

The number 130 in base five can be expressed as:

(1 * 5^2) + (3 * 5^1) + (0 * 5^0)

= (1 * 25) + (3 * 5) + (0 * 1)

= 25 + 15 + 0

= 40

Therefore, 130five is equal to 40 in base ten.