Multiply Decimals Quick Check

5 of 55 of 5 Items
Multiply and find an estimate to check for the reasonable correct place value for the decimal point for 12.3 × 4.8 = 59.04
.(1 point)

12 ⋅ 4 = 48
No, the decimal point is not in the correct place.
13 times 6 equals 78 No, the decimal point is not in the correct place.

123 ⋅ 48 = 5,904
Yes, the decimal point is in the correct place.
134 times 67 equals 8,978 Yes, the decimal point is in the correct place.

12 ⋅ 5 = 60
Yes, the decimal point is in the correct place.
13 times 6 equals 78 Yes, the decimal point is in the correct place.

123 ⋅ 48 = 5,904
No, the decimal point is not in the correct place.

The correct response is:

123 ⋅ 48 = 5,904
No, the decimal point is not in the correct place.

The answer is:

12.3 × 4.8 = 59.04

To estimate and check for the reasonable correct place value for the decimal point, you can multiply the whole numbers and then count the total number of decimal places in both the factors. In this case, we have one decimal place in 12.3 and one decimal place in 4.8.

When we multiply 12 by 4, we get 48. However, this does not have the correct placement of the decimal point.

When we multiply 13 by 6, we get 78. Again, this doesn't have the correct placement of the decimal point.

When we multiply 123 by 48, we get 5,904. This has the correct placement of the decimal point.

When we multiply 134 by 67, we get 8,978. Again, this has the correct placement of the decimal point.

When we multiply 12 by 5, we get 60. This also has the correct placement of the decimal point.

So, the estimate to check for the reasonable correct place value for the decimal point for 12.3 × 4.8 is 59.04, which matches with the result of multiplying 123 by 48. Therefore, the correct response is:

123 ⋅ 48 = 5,904
Yes, the decimal point is in the correct place.