Which option is a mineral?

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A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid compound with a specific chemical composition and a defined crystal structure.

To determine if an option is a mineral, you can consider the following characteristics:

1. Is it naturally occurring? A mineral must be formed by natural geological processes, not through human intervention or synthetic manufacturing.

2. Is it inorganic? Minerals are composed of non-living, inorganic substances. If the option is derived from living organisms, it is not a mineral.

3. Is it a solid? Minerals are solid substances at normal temperatures and pressures, not liquids or gases.

4. Does it have a specific chemical composition? Each mineral has a specific chemical formula, consisting of elements in fixed proportions.

5. Does it have a defined crystal structure? Minerals have an ordered internal arrangement of atoms, resulting in a repeating, geometric pattern known as a crystal lattice.

Based on these criteria, if an option meets all the above characteristics, it can be considered a mineral.