give me some cool color codes for Gorilla tag

Sure! Here are some cool color codes you can use in Gorilla Tag:

1. Neon Green: #39FF14
2. Electric Blue: #00FFFF
3. Hot Pink: #FF69B4
4. Violet: #EE82EE
5. Atomic Orange: #FF6600
6. Midnight Blue: #191970
7. Goldenrod: #DAA520
8. Cyan: #00FFFF
9. hsia: #FF00FF
10. Indigo: #4B0082

Feel free to use any of these color codes to customize your Gorilla Tag character!

Sure! Here are some cool color codes you can use for Gorilla Tag:

1. Neon Green: #00FF00
2. Hot Pink: #FF69B4
3. Electric Blue: #00FFFF
4. Blood Red: #FF0000
5. Metallic Gold: #FFD700
6. Purple Haze: #9932CC
7. Lime Green: #32CD32
8. Sunset Orange: #FF4500
9. Deep Blue: #0000FF
10. Turquoise: #40E0D0

Feel free to use these color codes to customize your appearance in Gorilla Tag!